عن المجموعة

ربط الإمارات

يمثل هذا المشروع نقطة الانطلاق التي تفخر بها مجموعة بن لادن للمقاولات كونه أول مشروع يتم إنجازه على الصعيد المحلي، وكان عبارة عن طريق سريع عابر للصحراء القاحلة في الإمارات الشمالية، يربط الشارقة برأس الخيمة مروراً بإمارتي عجمان وأم القيوين وتم إنجازه عام 1968.

تم إنشاء الطريق على امتداد 120 كم باستخدام تقنيات متقدمة لمواجهة تحرك الرمال على المدى الطويل، فضلاً عن تزويد مجموعة بن لادن للمقاولات للمشروع بأجود أنواع الإسفلت المتوفر في السوق آنذاك، والتي حققت أعلى المعايير لضمان السلامة وراحة المستخدمين.

History timeline

أكثر من 55 عاماً من النجاح


السيد محمد بن لادن رحمه الله, في أول زيارة له لدولة الإمارات المتصالحة


إنشاء طريق الإتحاد, الذي يربط الشارقة برأس الخيمة


قيام الإتحاد
تأسيس مجموعة بن لادن للمقاولات بتوجيه السيد سالم محمد بن لادن, رحمه الله


إنجاز مشروع مطار أبوظبي العسكري


إنجاز إنشاءات الأنفاق السفلية لدوار الساعة – دبي


إنشاء المقر الرئيسي لإدارة المجموعة


الإنتهاء من أعمال تطوير مطار الشارقة الدولي


تطوير المجمع الرياضي بدبي


إنجاز مشروع سفاري دبي


إنجاز مشروع ديب دايف أعمق حوض سباحة في العالم


Our mission is to create agile partnerships through excellence in management, engineering and construction methodology.


Our vision is to be the UAE’s trusted infrastructure, engineering and construction company.


Our core values are the principles we live and use to run BCG. They are the foundation of everything we do and make up the ’PIECES of BCG’


To focus on the development, safety and well-being of our team


To make changes in the way we work so that new ideas can be transferred into results


To continuously develop and improve ourselves, our people, our services and our products

Client Experience

To adopt a customer focused view to everything we do

Ethics & Transparency

To be ethical, sincere and open in all our transactions


To create a more social, economical and environmentally sustainable future

What do we mean by People?

  • We put safety at the heart of everything we do
  • We promote an open communication and collaborative culture
  • We create strong teams with a shared sense of values to foster longevity and inclusivity
  • We recognise and appreciate our team members contributions
  • We are an equal opportunity employer

What does it mean to innovate?

  • We constantly adapt, reinvent and innovate to remain relevant
  • We innovate to raise the productivity of our capital and resources
  • We are constantly on a journey of discovery and transformation
  • We continuously embrace and drive change to disrupt the status quo
  • We foresee cutting-edge related opportunities and engineering trends

What does it mean to deliver excellence?

  • We work collaboratively to embrace each other’s unique contribution to delivering excellence
  • We consistently deliver inspiring construction projects and a better built environment
  • We drive change in construction and construction best practice
  • We inspire to be the benchmark of industry performance
  • We drive BCG performance improvement and measurement

What does client experience mean?

  • We forge long term relationships
  • We listen and understand our client’s needs
  • We provide blended options and solutions to our clients and foster a client focussed approach
  • We partner with our clients throughout the client’s journey
  • We adopt collaborative relationships with the client and client representative

What does it mean to act with ethics and transparency?

  • We promote open and honest communication
  • We make decisions that are consistent with our core values
  • We make business decisions based on the potential for impact
  • We strictly follow our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics policies
  • We focus on building our business through established trust and goodwill

What does it mean to be sustainable?

  • We invest in our digital platforms to enable operational and environmental sustainability
  • We diversify across multiple sectors and industries to foster longevity
  • We adopt sustainable business modelling to ensure business continuity
  • We provide green building and sustainability construction solutions
  • We adopt a sustainable approach to ensure brand and business stability in volatile markets